ASTON FAScial Integration - Aston KINETICS 103 (previously Aston Bodyworks I)

Aston Spiraling Fascial Integration Technique 


  • An introduction to Aston Body Assessment - how specific posture, injuries, muscle tone and movement patterns influence one's current postural pattern
  • The theory and techniques of the Aston Spiraling Massage
  • Aston-Mechanics® (body usage) to help feel and release fascial layers as well as reduce stress on your body

The Spiraling Technique is a painless, hands-on approach that respects and matches the layer, shape and grain of soft tissue. It teaches the practitioner to work with ease, from the surface layers through the deeper layers to include the skeletal structures. This is what makes this technique a fascial integration form.

This bodywork form can connect fascial layers to integrate specific change with adjacent segments and the whole body. It can enhance the effectiveness of all manual therapies while decreasing the amount of stress and effort on the practitioner.