Aston Fitness

All classes require Aston Postural Assessment and Aston "Moving Beyond Posture" as prerequisites.
Classes can be taken in any order, as one chooses.

Aston Fitness, developed in 1983 by Judith Aston, is a sophisticated fitness model using properties of muscles, fascia and functional movement. Judith developed Aston Fitness Training when she recognized the need for treatment of injuries resulting from conventional exercise programs and equipment. Aston Fitness focuses on providing movement forms designed to help balance the body and achieve a more integrated neutral.

In addition, the Aston Fitness model has been applied to many established movement forms, such as yoga, Pilates and sports in an effort to optimize movement and efficiency for the individual. The Assessment tools are integrated into these fitness forms to give each client the opportunity to function at their highest level. These are advanced classes for the professional physical therapist, occupational therapist, coach, athletic trainer and massage therapist. This fitness approach has been designed from the Aston Paradigm to decrease repetitive strain, improve accuracy, neutralize consequences and heal injuries sustained during traditional models of exercise.

Aston Fitness Training:  HORIZONTAL LOOSENING — 5 days

Horizontal loosening begins lying on your back, stomach or side, using supports to optimize body alignments. This provides a release of the deep tethering of soft tissue to the bone. Easy movements are applied in a comfortable range to facilitate better movement in and around a joint or a series of joints. These movements decrease stiffness and discomfort while increasing range of motion and lubricating the joint.

Lubrication and rehydration of the joints are essential in optimal functioning of the body and is helpful to prepare for movement. This can also greatly improve overall function by releasing excessive tone. In addition to preparing for movement, these loosening techniques can quickly release excessive joint and muscle tension post-exercise.

Aston Fitness Training: TONING — 5 days

Toning is designed so that muscles are strengthened without adding unnecessary compression to the joints. The exercises begin with the use of body weight against gravity, primarily while lying and standing. Exercises are advanced by adding additional resistance of weights and stretch cords.

Aston Fitness Training: VERTICAL LOOSENING — 5 days

Vertical Loosening is done in a standing or a sitting position. Easy movements are applied in a comfortable range to create slack in and around the joints and the borders within soft tissues. These loosening movements result in increased circulation and greater range of motion.

Aston Fitness Training: STRETCHING — 5 days

Aston Stretching is designed to stretch the muscle tissue without over-stretching the joints, ligaments and tendons. The client is instructed to use body supports, the most optimal alignment and movements for their body, which is important to achieve flexibility without pain or compromise to the other untargeted body segments.

Aston Fitness Training: CARDIO — 5 days

The Aston concepts are applied to your workout whether it is walking, cycling or stair-stepping. The difference is the alignment and sequencing of the movements. The Aston Treadmill Dancing and Spinning Bike sequences combine balance, toning, cardiovascular training and fun all at the same time!