The Frequent Flyer

Flying is a necessary nuisance to many of us that do business in remote locations or travel for fun. But even if you're flying weekly or once a year, it's important to be in the best position on long flights, particularly overnight. Tired of feeling sore or in pain after touching down? Judith Aston outlines specific ways to use The Aston Line to help feel your best after flying.

What you will need:

The Standard Ergo

The Standard Ergo

The Universal Pillow

The Universal Pillow

1. Plan ahead based on previous holding patterns. Notice where your body aches or feels stiff with ergonomic help. 

2. The Standard Ergo Triangle is designed to help your body sit on your pelvis instead of rolling forward or backward, causing stress on your back. 

3. The Universal Pillow can offer lumbar support or upper back support. It can also be used as a rest for your head if you have a window seat.

4. Before and After exercises: